Sunday, January 13, 2008 Interview + promoting video.

This interview is from a while ago. Around September, when the video came out.

Do you support other organizations as well?

Emily: Yes. I am involved with a few animal charities. most closely with Farm Sanctuary (a wonderful sanctuary for farm animals), the Humane Society as well as PETA.

GoodSearch: As a celebrity, what can you do to help raise awareness for these causes?

Emily: Well, I hate the idea that people listen to a celebrity more than someone who has a normal job, but that's the reality of our culture and i think one of the great gifts of having success in my business is the ability to reach a large number of people. And you can use that opportunity to raise awareness about certain issues and causes. But I am also a huge fan of grass roots technique. just tell a few people and they will tell a few more...anyone can make a difference

GoodSearch: What nonprofit do you think your character on Bones would support?

Emily: I think Brennan would probably be involved with a charity that helps foster kids in this country. I haven't done my research yet on those charities. Brennan was a foster child herself. We've done a couple episodes about the foster system.. a lot of kids get lost or abused. I think that would be close to her heart...

GoodSearch: If you had to give a reason why people should use GoodSearch on behalf of their favorite cause, what would it be?

Emily: I'm telling everyone I talk to: people are going to search the internet anyway, why not feel good about it and help a charity along the way?

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